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Thursday, 21 January 2016

Nigeria Police Academy Admission Form 2016/2017 / Full addmission requirement

Nigerian Police Academy Admission Registration Form 2016/2017 is now out and application is widely open to suitable and qualified applicants .

For the sake of interested applicants who are willing to participate in the admission excercise it will be very wise for them to know some vital informations about NPA. The Nigeria Police Academy (NPA) is located in Wudil Local Government of Kano State.

Now that the Nigerian Police Academy registration form is availble , we will do well to guide you step-by-step on how to apply for this admission form online . Did you applied for 2015 admiission form and didn’t come out with a flying colours , 2016 admission form is out now and this is another fresh opportunity for you to try again . Applying for NPA is now very easy because it is now done online unlike how it used to be way back .

Nigeria Police Academy Admission Requirements
The easiest way to effortlessly gain admission into NPA is to meet up with all requirements of the academy and commence your study . Here are what you must be meet up with before you can be admitted into Nigeria Police Academy .

1. You must attain the right age before you can apply and the age is 18 to 24  years old
2. You must have sat for JAMB examination because you can only apply for this academy with your jamb result .
3. The Nigerian Police Academy must be choosen as  first choice while filling the online form .
4. NPA  admission form must be purchased from the designated banks by management . The form is sold for N3500 and bank charge may apply . It will be very brilliant of you if you hoold more than the N3500 that the form is sold so that you can be able to pay any other hidden charges . Atleast take along with you the sum of N5,000 .
5. Your online registration must be done here
6. After filling your online form don’t forget to submit before you cancel the registration page .
7. You will need a passport clearly revealing your face . The passport must be scanned into the online form .
8. Bank Payment Slip/Confirmation Page
9. Acknowledgement Form
10. All candidates seeking admission must be Nigerain citizen and must be between the ages of 18 to 24  .
11. All applicants must have a height of not less than 5 foot 6 inches (1.67metres) if male, and 5 foot 4 inches (1.62 metres) if female.
12. All male candidates must have an expanded chest size of not less than 36 inches (91cm)
13. Candidates must possess a minimum of 6 credits at the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE)…WAEC,NECO,GCE or NABTEB
14. Candidate must be able to prove him or herself worthy in both the written examination and the interview . This is a cliterial to identify those that are equal to the task .
15. All successful candidates that are able to skale through the entrance examination will be invited for the NPA Selection Board Interview.

Nigeria Police Academy Available Programmes

SCIENCE. BSc in: >> Biochemistry ,Biological Sciences ,Chemistry ,Forensic Science,Mathematics,Computer Science ,Physics .

SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES. BSc in: >> Accounting,Psychology,Economics,Management Sciences ,Sociology,Political Science.

HUMANITIES. BA in:>> Nigerian Languages & Linguistics,English,French,History & International Studies

Nigeria Police Ranks

It is also very important for you to be familiar with The Nigeria Police Ranks. See them after the jump ;

Here are the Nigeria Police force ranks you need to know:
The Deputy Commissioner of Police >> The Asst. Commissioner of Police >>The Chief Superintendent of Police >> The Superinerintendent of Police >> The Deputy Superintendent of Police >> The Asst. Superintendent of Police >> The Inspector of Police >> Sergeant Major >> Sergeant >> Corporal >> Constable .

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