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Monday, 3 April 2017

Types / Kind / Genre of prose

Types / Kind / Genre of prose

There are two types of prose

1. The Fiction

2. The Nonfiction

1. The Fictive

Fictional prose works are usually the figment of a writer's imagination, i.e they are invented or created in the writer's mind

The Fictive category

The Novel


Short Stories

The Novel

It is an extended piece of fivtion, The novel is a narrative prose of some appreciable length with a larger world of incidents and perhaps characters than the novella and short stories.


The novella can be define as a short novel. The word 'Novella'
is derived from the Italian language which means 'a little new story'.

Short Stories

Short stories have shorter length than the novella

The Non fiction

Non fictional type of prose are writing works intended to give fact or true account of real things and event.(true life story)

The Non-fiction category

1 The Biography

This refer to refer to non fictive presentation of life history by another man

2. Autobiography

This is the story of a man's life written by the man himself, It is not possible to cover all the person's life because the autobiography is written when the person is still alive

3. Memoir

Memoir is the recollections of important people who have been part a major event or have observed it more or less as participants. It is very close to autobiography

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