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Saturday, 6 August 2016

Analysis and themes of the panic of growing older

Analysis and themes of the panic of growing older by lenrie peters
Summary.... The poem is a record of what may happen to a human being as soon as he/she observes the world. Such an individual engages the word at his or her youthfulness as the year tick away like clock there is a growing awareness that one "from year to year" is growing older Lenrie Peters, took age 20 upwards as his case-study to show how the events of adulthood unfold. He revealed that a person begins adulthood with beautiful hopes: “at twenty stilled by hope of gigantic success and exploration”. Ten years later, one has gained the achievement of raising a family, one becomes unnecessarily busy in domesticity that won’t give room of seeing the moon, one begins to suffer emotional pains due to inability to achieve expected goals. He put it this way: “Copybook bisected with red ink and failuresq-nothing to show the world”. He further explained that the scientific prove of life longevity is uncertain because “hope is not a grain of sand” since human being can die at anytime.

THEMES... 1. Uncertainty of human future and expectations 2. Varying challenges of adulthood 3. Personal and Public expectations of adulthood 4. Captivity of being an adult. The gigantic hopes that one have at age twenty are uncertain and at the age thirty brings emotional pains due to failures. Even the proof that one will live longer enough to achieve the expectations waiting to be achieved is not certain. As one grows through adulthood, various challenges confront one's endeavors, affecting both the personal expectations and the public expectations,i.e, those things the world and the people around expect a person to achieve as a growing adult. “From now on the world has you” shows that every adult is a captive or a slave to the world; one must impress with achievements to be regarded as a success.
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