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Saturday, 6 August 2016

The use of symbols in the play " Harvest of Corruption"

symbols used in the play " Harvest of Corruption"

1. Chief Haladu Ade Amaka Chief Haladu Ade Amaka and his activities symbolizes Corruption
2. The suffering of Aloho The suffering of Aloho symbolizes the suffering of the masses in the country
3. Aloho's Dream Aloho 's dream , it is a nightmare , in the dream she saw a coffin in front of her this symbolizes her death
4 The Madman The appearance of the dirty and tattered mad man carrying a heavy boundle of tightly wrapped bits and pieces of junks drooping over his face symbolizes the country " JACASSA " in need of " sanitation " or environmental Only ACP Yakubu was able to understand the symbolism of the mad man' s appearance
The use of symbols in harvest of corruption
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